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Week 52 – Signing Off

I promised myself I would write an essay each week for a whole year on the writing process.  I’m extremely happy that I’ve met my goal.  For a writer to meet a goal, whatever it happens to be (an essay or story in one week, a novel in one year, a journal entry every other day, a poem in one day), is important for his or her self-esteem and confidence.  In other words, meeting a goal or a deadline does wonders for a writer’s soul.

As you all know, there were days I didn’t know what I was going to write.  I overcame that obstacle by saying to myself, “If I wrote an essay last week, I can do the same this week.”  Having a deadline to meet has really been a lifesaver for me.  A deadline (lifeline) makes one focus like a laser on the job at hand.

I have finished reading the galley proofs of Highway Sailor and A Class of Leaders.  There are still two more steps to go in the self-publishing process:  the printing and selling of both books.  Wish me luck.

It is my intention to continue writing short stories, novels and essays on a variety of subjects.  I might write about my past, about football, baseball, water aerobics, my travels with my wife Joan or more about the writing process.

My stepson Sol was right about attracting people to my website if I wrote a piece each week about writing.  Ever since I started this project, not only have I received close to 400 comments, but many people have also ordered my books.  It’s amazing how the Internet works.

So, to all you writers out there, may you write loosely, freely and swiftly with a deadline/lifeline in mind.  And don’t forget to revise until you’re satisfied with what you’ve written.